Has the division of Christianity into many apostate sects teaching different salvation messages served a useful purpose to God and Christ? According to the Scriptures, it has served a very specific and useful purpose.
Apostate Christianity has assisted in preparing the world for true Christianity to flourish. (Ro 3:7, 8 [pa|in]; 2Th 2:3 [pa|in]; 2Ti 4:1-5 [pa|in]) How so? Belief in the Christ has been spread throughout the earth while true Christianity was not even in the world and then Christ could bring back true Christianity and do away with those who teach a false salvation message at the end, just as the apostate Jewish system gave way to Christianity. (Joh 3:19-21 [pa|in]; Ro 11:7-12 [pa|in]; 2Th 2:6-8 [pa|in]) This has allowed Jehovah to save many more people than if he had founded the Christian congregation for the first time at the end of the system of things or if he tried to maintain it throughout that time. (Compare Ge 6:9-7:7 [pa|in] and Mt 24:22 [pa|in])
However, it is not that those apostate sects brought salvation for anyone, as demonstrated by the horrific acts perpetrated in the name of Christianity during that time. (Re 18:5 [pa|in]) But its spread was so that the salvation message could spread quickly in the last days because people would be able to see clearly the difference between true and false religion and could cause many to be judged for despising truth.
Apostate Christianity has assisted in preparing the world for true Christianity to flourish. (Ro 3:7, 8 [pa|in]; 2Th 2:3 [pa|in]; 2Ti 4:1-5 [pa|in]) How so? Belief in the Christ has been spread throughout the earth while true Christianity was not even in the world and then Christ could bring back true Christianity and do away with those who teach a false salvation message at the end, just as the apostate Jewish system gave way to Christianity. (Joh 3:19-21 [pa|in]; Ro 11:7-12 [pa|in]; 2Th 2:6-8 [pa|in]) This has allowed Jehovah to save many more people than if he had founded the Christian congregation for the first time at the end of the system of things or if he tried to maintain it throughout that time. (Compare Ge 6:9-7:7 [pa|in] and Mt 24:22 [pa|in])
However, it is not that those apostate sects brought salvation for anyone, as demonstrated by the horrific acts perpetrated in the name of Christianity during that time. (Re 18:5 [pa|in]) But its spread was so that the salvation message could spread quickly in the last days because people would be able to see clearly the difference between true and false religion and could cause many to be judged for despising truth.
The reason for why Jehovah allows his people to become overrun with apostasy is stated in three places. One is at Psalms 92:7 [pa|in];, where it says, “When the wicked sprout like weeds and all the wrongdoers flourish, it is THAT THEY MAY BE ANNIHILATED FOREVER.” (Note the reference to weeds in line with Jesus’ prophecy at Mt 13:24-30, 37-43 [pa|in], where the weeds are burned up.)
Jesus himself said, “Let them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will FALL INTO A PIT.” (Mt 15:12-14 [pa|in]) So we are to let it happen, not making any extraordinary effort to acquire or retain them. It is not up to us to force sight on someone who wishes to remain blind. (So I do not speak to you about these things for your own benefit, but for the reader’s.)
Finally, we have these words: “Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence. But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents and with every unrighteous deception FOR THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING, AS A RETRIBUTION BECAUSE THEY DID NOT ACCEPT THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH that they might be saved.”—2Th 2:9-12 [pa|in].
That is why Jehovah's Witnesses stand out so distinctly from the pack. People see Jehovah's Witnesses as a beacon of faithfulness standing out against the darkness because they can compare us to the vast sea of false Christianity, though many seek to besmirch our name. (Mal 3:17, 18 [pa|in]; Lu 6:22, 23 [pa|in])
The various following series exhaustively address every so-called "proof" in support of false doctrines that contradict the salvation message. These have crept into nominal Christianity since the second century. (1Ti 4:1 [pa|in]) They also thoroughly prove by scripture references what Christians should be believing about our salvation. (Ac 17:2, 3 [pa|in])
This is certainly an "us vs. them" way of thinking. We do not deny that. The world has pitted itself against Jehovah God and they will one day take their stand against him and his people; not the other way around. (Lu 6:27-36 [pa|in]; Ro 1:25 [pa|in]; 8:7, 8 [pa|in]; 12:20, 21 [pa|in]; Jas 4:4 [pa|in]) Just because we identify the enemy does not mean we are making any effort to make them our enemies, but they have pitted themselves against us, (Lu 6:22, 23 [pa|in]) just as we can identify Satan as the enemy because he pitted himself against God. (Genesis 3:1-5 [par|int]; Re 12:9, 10 [pa|in]) Jehovah God's Son, Jesus Christ, foretold this. The Revelation is all about it. But this is not because we think we are better than everyone else. Far from it. (Ro 3:9-18 [pa|in]) It is because we happened to choose Jehovah, the true God, over the world, the truth over the lie. (Joh 15:21 [pa|in]) We came out of the world and therefore are no better than the world, but we obey God rather than men. (Ro 3:23 [pa|in]; Ac 5:29 [pa|in]) We have chosen a better life through faith in Jesus Christ, and on this account the world hates us. (Joh 15:17-19 [pa|in]) The life we have chosen is superior to the world, not we ourselves.
We will not sell out or compromise to any person or authority who stands against the word of God. We will not lower our standards because they dictate it in their hateful and violent schemes. We are a peaceful people, and it is because of our being peaceful that the nations despise us. It is because of our higher standards that the world feels condemned, but we do not condemn them, but they condemn themselves in their continuing in what they know to be wrong and have the power to stop, but don't. (Tit 3:9-11 [pa|in]; 1Pe 4:4 [pa|in])
Taken individually, the posts in this series will each only prove some nominal Christian sects to be false, but taken together, they prove all modern religions to be false, except one: the one that adheres to the Scriptures as the final word of truth without relying upon the fetid traditions of men.
Is it anyone's responsibility to openly oppose those false Christians? When Jesus disciples said to Jesus, "Do you know that the Pharisees were stumbled at hearing what you said?", Jesus did not respond by saying we should retaliate. He did not say we should track them down and persecute them as they do to us. He did not say that we should go where they are and have arguments with them. And he did not say that we should follow them around giving scathing public denouncements of them. Instead, he indicated that they have a judgment coming and said, "Let them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit." (Mt 15:12-14 [pa|in]) So they serve the purpose of misleading those who want to be misled because they keep their eyes shut and refuse to open them.
Do you believe that false Christianity has served the purpose of making way for true Christianity to flourish in the last days? If not, state your disagreement in a comment below.
Go back to: Part 2: Salvation vs, Salvation
Go to Part 4: Deep Research Takes Effort
The various following series exhaustively address every so-called "proof" in support of false doctrines that contradict the salvation message. These have crept into nominal Christianity since the second century. (1Ti 4:1 [pa|in]) They also thoroughly prove by scripture references what Christians should be believing about our salvation. (Ac 17:2, 3 [pa|in])
This is certainly an "us vs. them" way of thinking. We do not deny that. The world has pitted itself against Jehovah God and they will one day take their stand against him and his people; not the other way around. (Lu 6:27-36 [pa|in]; Ro 1:25 [pa|in]; 8:7, 8 [pa|in]; 12:20, 21 [pa|in]; Jas 4:4 [pa|in]) Just because we identify the enemy does not mean we are making any effort to make them our enemies, but they have pitted themselves against us, (Lu 6:22, 23 [pa|in]) just as we can identify Satan as the enemy because he pitted himself against God. (Genesis 3:1-5 [par|int]; Re 12:9, 10 [pa|in]) Jehovah God's Son, Jesus Christ, foretold this. The Revelation is all about it. But this is not because we think we are better than everyone else. Far from it. (Ro 3:9-18 [pa|in]) It is because we happened to choose Jehovah, the true God, over the world, the truth over the lie. (Joh 15:21 [pa|in]) We came out of the world and therefore are no better than the world, but we obey God rather than men. (Ro 3:23 [pa|in]; Ac 5:29 [pa|in]) We have chosen a better life through faith in Jesus Christ, and on this account the world hates us. (Joh 15:17-19 [pa|in]) The life we have chosen is superior to the world, not we ourselves.
We will not sell out or compromise to any person or authority who stands against the word of God. We will not lower our standards because they dictate it in their hateful and violent schemes. We are a peaceful people, and it is because of our being peaceful that the nations despise us. It is because of our higher standards that the world feels condemned, but we do not condemn them, but they condemn themselves in their continuing in what they know to be wrong and have the power to stop, but don't. (Tit 3:9-11 [pa|in]; 1Pe 4:4 [pa|in])
Taken individually, the posts in this series will each only prove some nominal Christian sects to be false, but taken together, they prove all modern religions to be false, except one: the one that adheres to the Scriptures as the final word of truth without relying upon the fetid traditions of men.
Is it anyone's responsibility to openly oppose those false Christians? When Jesus disciples said to Jesus, "Do you know that the Pharisees were stumbled at hearing what you said?", Jesus did not respond by saying we should retaliate. He did not say we should track them down and persecute them as they do to us. He did not say that we should go where they are and have arguments with them. And he did not say that we should follow them around giving scathing public denouncements of them. Instead, he indicated that they have a judgment coming and said, "Let them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit." (Mt 15:12-14 [pa|in]) So they serve the purpose of misleading those who want to be misled because they keep their eyes shut and refuse to open them.
Do you believe that false Christianity has served the purpose of making way for true Christianity to flourish in the last days? If not, state your disagreement in a comment below.
Go back to: Part 2: Salvation vs, Salvation
Go to Part 4: Deep Research Takes Effort