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The Mosaic Law, Part 2: A Brief History of God's Laws

Law from God has played an integral part throughout human history. Rebellion against Jehovah God's laws began with the very first rulebreaker, an angel whom we now call Satan, (Re 12:9 [pa|in]) whose jealousy led him to pretend to be a serpent and lie against God to bring mankind death through sin. (Ge 3:1-5 [pa|in]Joh 8:44 [pa|in]) It was by loving his wife more than God (Ge 2:22-25 [pa|in]Ro 1:21 [pa|in]) that the first man, Adam, rebelled, breaking the one simple rule (Ge 2:16-17 [pa|in]3:6 [pa|in]) and thereby lost the gift of everlasting life for all his descendants by passing sin to them, and lost paradise for us all. (Ge 3:23, 24 [pa|in])

Afterward, his son Cain violated the natural law of human existence not to murder. He had even been warned not to let his petty jealousy consume him, and then he murdered his brother anyway and was therefore driven from off the tillable ground. (Ge 4:2-16 [pa|in]) Undeterred by this lesson, the whole world was ruined in God's sight when it became filled with violence after angels violated the human marriage arrangement by marrying the daughters of men (Ge 2:22-24 [pa|in]Ge 6:1-2 [par|int]5 [par|int]13 [pa|in];  Jude 6 [pa|in]) to whom the abominations, called the "fellers" of men, (Nephilim) were born. (Ge 6:4 footnote [pa|in])

After the flood that wiped away that generation, (Ge 7:21-23 [pa|in]) Jehovah God told Noah not to eat blood along with the animal and to treat life as sacred. (Ge 9:4-7 [pa|in]) Later still, Nimrod refused to follow God's law to fill the earth and built cities for men to gather into and built a tower to challenge the power of God himself and God confused the languages to stem the tide of nimrod's rebellion and God's will to fill the earth continued unabated. (Ge 9:1 [pa|in]10:8-12 [pa|in]11:1-9 [pa|in]) None of these rules ever ceased to apply to mankind because they were given to all of us by means of our common ancestors and all of them are essential to our health and well-being. Since mankind have filled the earth, we are now under obligation to bring forth children for God through all the earth by spreading truth to all nations. (Mt 28:19, 20 [pa|in])

The Mosaic Law

Later, Abraham became obedient to God in all things, no matter what Jehovah asked of him, (Ge 26:5 [pa|in]) being called "Jehovah's friend", and a people for God, as a special possession, was born from him. (Ex 19:5, 6 [pa|in]); Jas 2:21-23 [pa|in]) And the Mosaic Law was given to them when they were repurchased from the land of Egypt and swore to obey all the righteous requirements of that law. (Ex 24:7 [pa|in]) That law covenant for a priesthood belonged to the descendents of Israel alone, the grandson of Abraham, (2Ki 17:34 [pa|in]1Ch 1:34 [pa|in]) and not to all mankind. Though others could choose to enter the law covenant. (Nu 15:15 [pa|in])

Included in the Mosaic Law were laws for organization, sacrifices, dietary restrictions, daily life, clothing and cleanliness, commerce, property, respectful treatment of people and domestic animals, sex, preparing meals, fasting, festivals and sabbaths, circumcision, killing, evidence gathering, and bearing witness.

Unfortunately, in time the Jewish religious leaders began developing so-called "oral laws" that burdened the people and allowed those knowledgeable in all the laws to fool themselves into thinking they could circumvent law altogether. (Mt 15:1-9 [pa|in]) As a result, the majority lost out on becoming a kingdom of priests in heaven and were ultimately destroyed as a nation for their rejecting their prophesied savior, or Messiah, God's Son, Jesus Christ. (Mt 23:29-39 [pa|in]Mr 8:31 [pa|in])

The Law of Love

However, by means of that law, all mankind received salvation through God's Son, Jesus Christ, whose ransom sacrifice earned us freedom from the consequence of sin and gave back what Adam lost through faith in Christ's sacrifice. Through him, all those exercising faith in him received the law of love, (Joh 13:34, 35 [pa|in]) which, if faithfully followed, makes breaking God's laws given to mankind impossible. (Ga 5:22, 23 [pa|in])

By the law of love, one would never rebel against God, (Jude 11 [pa|in]) would never seek independence, (Tit 1:16 [pa|in]) would never worship other gods, (1Co 8:5, 6 [pa|in]) would never dishonor God by worshipping powerless representations of created things, (1Co 10:14 [pa|in]) would never abuse Jehovah God's name, (1Ti 6:1 [pa|in]) would abandon selfish desires, (2Ti 2:22 [pa|in]) would honor their parents, (Col 3:20 [pa|in]) would never murder (1Jo 3:15 [pa|in]) or steal, (Eph 4:28 [pa|in]) would never have sexual relations outside of human opposite sex marriage to a single partner, (1Co 6:9 [pa|in]) would never lie against another (Eph 4:25 [pa|in]) or cheat them (1Co 6:9, 10 [pa|in]) and would never give in to unrighteous jealousy, (Jas 3:16 [pa|in]) Nor would they dishonor Jesus' sacrifice that brought us under the law of love by trying to preserve their lives with the blood of animals or of men. (Ac 21:25 [pa|in]Heb 10:1-10 [pa|in]28, 29 [pa|in])

Instead they would help others to reach out for salvation and provide assistance as brothers and neighbors (Ac 20:35 [pa|in]) in peace and joy while under trial. (1Pe 2:20 [pa|in]) By exercising this love, desisting from sin, instead of observing a weekly or festival sabbath, they would enter into God's true unending rest from works of the flesh. (Heb 4:1-11 [pa|in]) And yet, if they do fail to show love at some point, they can have forgiveness (1Jo 2:1 [pa|in]) when they ask for it by praying to the Father of their souls, Jehovah, in faith in the name of the one whose sacrifice earned them that freedom (Joh 15:16 [pa|in]Ro 5:1, 2 [pa|in]Jas 1:6 [pa|in]) so long as they continue to seek to exercise the law of love. (Ga 5:14 [pa|in]1Jo 3:23 [pa|in])

History of Christians Observing the Mosaic Law

Unfortunately, many Jews claiming to be Christian sought to return to observing the law of the Jews by observing sabbaths, festivals, (Ga 4:10 [pa|in]) and circumcision, (Ac 15:1 [pa|in]) thus showing a lack of faith in Jesus Christ's ransom sacrifice. (Ro 4:14 [pa|in]) They even tried to impose that yoke onto the shoulders of non-Jewish Christians whose forefathers never swore to the law covenant of the Jews.

The first century governing body gathered to discuss the matter at length and concluded that only those laws affecting idolatry, fornication and blood (including things strangled) are binding upon all Christians. (Ac 15:1-29 [pa|in]) Peter, Paul and others helped the first century Christians to see that neither Jewish nor non-Jewish Christians were under the law covenant that was done away with by the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. (Ro 7:6 [pa|in]10:12 [pa|in]Col 2:13, 14 [pa|in])

Over time, jealousy spread among Christians, resulting in apostasies, and Christian sects began to form (Re 2:15 [pa|in]) who either sought to return to law, (Ga 5:4 [pa|in]) or sought to pick and choose what they believed and would be obedient to, (Ga 5:3 [pa|in]) or abandoned God's commandments altogether. (Jude 4 [pa|in]) This situation has continued down to our day and has in fact become worse.

Go to: the beginning of the Salvation vs. project

Go to: Part 1: Introduction

Go to: Part 3 (1): Christians Are Not Under Law


Dismythed said…

Apologies. I accidentally erased this post from the menu, so you might have missed it. It is restored now.

Those who disregard Acts 15, because of some personal preference, will not be saved. (Acts 6:7; Ro 15:18-19; Heb 13:17; 1Th 5:12-15) The question of that judgment was whether all Christians were under obligation to observe the Mosaic Law. The Judgment was that no Christians, Jewish or otherwise, were under the Mosaic Law, and that all Christians were under obligation to keep the four remaining things they listed. "Why" is answered below. The apostles and elders spent years distributing that judgment, not just to the Christian Jews in Judea, but for it to be observed by all Christians throughout the world. (Acts 21:24-25) If those who fail to abstain from fornication and idolatry are destroyed, then so too are those who trample on the saving blood of the Son of God by cowardly and faithlessly failing to abstain from the filth of the blood of sinners and things strangled in which the blood of life remains. (Re 21:8) The reason those things remain binding on Christians is that they were binding upon all men long before the Mosaic Law. (2:24; 9:4-6; John 1:18)

Only the Mosaic Law was done away with in Christ's sacrifice, not all law, otherwise we would not even be under the law of love, which all of Christendom's religions fail to live up to in the simplest ways, (John 13:34, 35) or even mankind's law. We would be lawless, but we are not. Just as the blood of animals cannot save us, neither can the blood of sinful men, so why should we seek to prolong our lives with it if we do not also seek to prolong our lives with the blood of animals upon an altar? (That's rhetorical.) The blood of Christ is what saves, not the blood of sinful men. And in case you did not know it, non-blood management is proving safer than blood and is slowly gaining wide acceptance throughout the world, as would be expected of a provision by God.
Dismythed said…
To further the reasoning on animals sacrificed upon an altar, would you murder to save your life? Would you steal to save your life? Would you bow to a false idol to save your life? You would no doubt say "no!" Likewise, we will not take blood to save our lives only to lose out on the hope of everlasting life.


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Dismythed said…

I have no interest in watching videos to get at things to respond to. I could be spending a whole month watching just videos that would take me just one week to research using webpages. If you have a Black Israel webpage for me to look at, I would be glad to address the erroneous claims made there.
Dismythed said…
When I say, it would take me a month to do with videos what I can do with websites, I mean that videos do not have copy and paste text, and I can read in 5 to 10 minutes what might take a rambling preacher an hour to disclose. Besides that, I can easily go back and forth with text in a way that I can't do with videos without sucking away my entire day.

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