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The Trinity/Binity, Part 14 (1): Is There Proof That Holy Spirit Is a Distinct Personage? (General)

Unlike the claim that Jesus is God, there is no question that there are plenty of scriptures that seem to apply personhood to the holy spirit and there is no doubt that it is a part of God. The question is whether it is a distinct personage separate from the Father, Jehovah. If holy spirit were proved to be a personage separate from Jehovah, then it would at least prove that God is a Binity. Below, we will consider what Trinitarians and Binitarians miss in the proofs they provide. They tend to focus only on the personification of the holy spirit in the Scriptures, and not on how its personification is used, the role the holy spirit serves in the cited scripture or other language used regarding it. Is It Blasphemy Against the Spirit to Be Wrong About it? Some claim that it is blasphemy against the holy spirit to claim that it is not its own personage if it is or that it is its own personage when it is not. However, instead of making assumptions about that issue based on personalfeel...

The Trinity/Binity, Part 15: Definitive Proof That Holy Spirit Is Not a Distinct Personage

Missing Where It Would Be Expected The holy spirit lacks any significant mention in relationship with Jesus' and the Father. At  Matthew 24:36   [ pa | in ]  Jesus said, "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." Where is the mention of the holy spirit here? Nobody else knows the day and hour, but "only the Father", and it mentions the Son, but why did Jesus not specify the holy spirit? Does it know or does it not? Well, nobody knows but the Father. Thus, only the Father is God. Holy spirit does not appear as a personage on or near the throne of God along with the lamb in heaven in the Revelation. ( Revelation 5:6 , 13   [ pa | in ] ; 6:16   [ pa | in ] ; 7:9, 10   [ pa | in ] , 17   [ pa | in ] ; 22:1   [ pa | in ] ) In fact, at Acts 7:55-56   [ pa | in ] , Stephen also observed Jesus at God's right hand, but again, no third figure. All he saw was Jesus sitting at th...

The Trinity/Binity, Part 6 (1): Non-modalist Non-tritheism or Tri-modalism?

Many Athenasian Trinitarians try to claim that their belief is not "modalism" by narrowly defining the modalist view as what is actually the more specific Sabellian Modalism as ’God represented through three identities at separate times ’ in order to dissemble and weaken the claim. (This dissembling is not usually purposeful, but is the result of seminary indoctrination.) However, modalism does not actually require that he represents himself at 3 different times. Only Sabellian Modalism has that requirement. Just because the Sabellian form of modalism is the first does not make it the only form. Saying that God is 3 co-equal personages in one substance does nothing to distinguish the Trinity from modalism, but adds a tritheistic element that fogs up the issue. What is rather clumsily labeled "non-modal non-tritheistic" is actually just a merging of modalism and tritheism into what has been dubbed "tri-modalism" by some. The tritheism aspect is to say t...