Missing Where It Would Be Expected The holy spirit lacks any significant mention in relationship with Jesus' and the Father. At Matthew 24:36 [ pa | in ] Jesus said, "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." Where is the mention of the holy spirit here? Nobody else knows the day and hour, but "only the Father", and it mentions the Son, but why did Jesus not specify the holy spirit? Does it know or does it not? Well, nobody knows but the Father. Thus, only the Father is God. Holy spirit does not appear as a personage on or near the throne of God along with the lamb in heaven in the Revelation. ( Revelation 5:6 , 13 [ pa | in ] ; 6:16 [ pa | in ] ; 7:9, 10 [ pa | in ] , 17 [ pa | in ] ; 22:1 [ pa | in ] ) In fact, at Acts 7:55-56 [ pa | in ] , Stephen also observed Jesus at God's right hand, but again, no third figure. All he saw was Jesus sitting at th...
The Trinity/Binity, Part 14 (2): Is There Proof That Holy spirit Is a Distinct Personage? (Specific Scriptures)
DOES PSALM 139:7 [ pa | in ] PROVE THAT HOLY SPIRIT IS A PERSONAGE? Some claim that this proves the omnipresence of holy spirit as a separate being, yet this scripture treats Jehovah's spirit as no more separate from, nor less abstract than, his own figurative "face", which merely shows how intrinsic holy spirit is to Jehovah, not a distinct personage. You decide: Does this verse prove that holy spirit is a separate personage in a Trinity? Consider: Holy spirit is as much a part of Jehovah as his "face". DOES ISAIAH 40:12-14 [ pa | in ] PROVE THAT HOLY SPIRIT IS A PERSONAGE? Some claim that this proves the spirit's omniscience or omnipotence, but it only shows that no one but God can measure or regulate God's spirit or active force as if regulating volumes of water, grains of dust or the weight of mountains and hills. Verse 13 [ pa | in ] was asking who among mankind can instruct Jehovah. In fact, that verse s...